[読書メモ][Kindle][パイプ] “The Perfect Smoke”

Location: 98
That essay did, of course, ruin my life.

Location: 149
Pipe smoking should be a simple thing, after all—find a tobacco you like, get some good pipes, and learn how to smoke them well.

Location: 193
A good book is one that’s fun to read.

Location: 238
The topics in Fred’s collection of essays are far-ranging.

Location: 306
Pipe smoking is one of the world’s most underrated pleasures.

Location: 419
Many brand-new essays appear in this book, the titles of which speak for themselves.

Location: 1,811
If you have not heard of Marcovitch, don’t feel alone.

Location: 1,837
my two all-time favorite tobaccos

Location: 2,097
For those engaged in the quest for the perfect smoke, a great pipe is a necessity.

Location: 2,301
One of the most-effective ways to ruin the taste of a great pipe is to fail to clean it properly, thoroughly and often. I clean a pipe after every smoke.

Location: 2,537
Thus, for this book, I have clarified, revised and rewritten this article both to update it and to eliminate sections and statements that might have led to misunderstandings.

Location: 2,548
My challenge to you, the reader, is to step outside of traditional ways of thinking about pipes.

Location: 2,926
The biggest lesson I learned is that what I wrote was nothing new.

Location: 2,945
Collecting is an entirely different enterprise than tasting pipe smoke.

Location: 2,957
Finally, I want to emphasize once again that tasting is a highly subjective endeavor. One person’s magical, superior smoking pipe might not appeal to another person.

Location: 3,010
In my view, no one can argue against the importance of the Dunhill company in the history of pipes.

Location: 3,447
The third criterion is that the shape of the pipe must be sufficiently appealing to me that I have a natural urge to pick the pipe up and smoke it. The shape itself must be so aesthetic and beautiful that it excites me to the degree that I can’t wait for the next opportunity to smoke it.

Location: 3,676
Many of these great craftsmen include men and women whose names were never forgotten because they were never known from the start!

Location: 4,135
In which list would you prefer to see your own name?

Amazon | The Perfect Smoke: Gourmet Pipe Smoking for Relaxation and Reflection (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by Hanna, Fred, Unger, Bill, Pease, Gregory, Gage, Tad, Hanna, Fred | Antiques & Collectibles | Kindleストア


Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century 1×20

第 20 話 “The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb” を観ました。 今回もホームズは杖を武器として使いまくっています。 ロボットのワトスンが、「びっくりした」という意



以前からシャーロック・ホームズ研究について思っていたことがあります。それは「自分もホームズ研究に貢献できるのか」ということです。 ホームズ学(シャーロッキアーナ)



『名探偵コナン』のコミック第4巻 FILE.7「暗号表入手!!」を読みました。 少年探偵団の結成です。「ホームズ」の名前も出てきます。 暗号がテーマなのでワクワクです
