[読書メモ][レビュー][Kindle]『Sherlock Holmes and John Watson: The Day They Met』

Kindle で読んだので最初は気付きませんでしたが、すごく分量が多い本です。夜寝る前に毎日数ページずつ読んでいたので何ヶ月も掛かりました。



Location: 96
I see that you’re between employments at the moment, live alone, and are, if possible, more bored than even I.

Location: 151

Location: 155
drama queen

Location: 349
A half dozen newspaper clippings.

Location: 408
“Beg pardon?”

Location: 450
John Watson is a polite English gentleman

Location: 484
“Give people what they’re looking for and they’ll stop looking,” said Holmes.

Location: 515
his soon-to-be Boswell

Location: 562
I don’t mind waiting.

Location: 564
Say simple things that made people smile instead of pretend-deaf.

Location: 624
I was wounded in the war and fell ill soon after, so I am still recovering from these effects and seek a steady, tranquil life.

Location: 634
I’m happy to listen, learn, and see what I can do.

Location: 645
Don’t tell him I told you.

Location: 733
I am going to count to three

Location: 794
Helping is hard when people don’t let you help.

Location: 827
“Well he’s got to be stopped!”

Location: 935
he was tra-la-la’ing

Location: 1,048

Location: 1,062
My name is Dr. John Watson, may I ask yours?

Location: 1,079
John Watson will tell you that small decisions can have lasting impacts.

Location: 1,266
Sherlock fast-blinked at John.

Location: 1,269
Take as much as you need.

Location: 1,408
a bowler-hatted man

Location: 1,459
Shall I tell you over a whisky?

Location: 1,602
Well, the proper study of mankind is man after all.

Location: 1,659
John glanced at the almond milk, as if it could give him a hint.

Location: 1,688
I’ll give you a hint.

Location: 1,732
“Have a good evening.” “You as well.”

Location: 1,753
He was the victim of his own crime!

Location: 1,765
Did someone lock you in the fridge?

Location: 1,869
Humans are nature’s most barbaric animal, don’t you find?

Location: 2,048
checking the site had became a breakfast routine.

Location: 2,096
Well, be careful what you wish for.

Location: 2,158
John Watson will always ask and Sherlock Holmes will always answer.

Location: 2,210
a lonely man can recognise a lonely man

Location: 2,216
They don’t write to each other much. They do write to each other just enough.

Location: 2,319
When I say run, run. The direction doesn’t matter, just make noise and go.

Location: 2,530
John Watson’s pretty sure mundanity will make you crazy.

Location: 2,674
“Are you serious?” “Very.”

Location: 2,698
Everyone has choices, every day, with every thing.

Location: 2,700
Do the thing someone else won’t do

Location: 2,918
I’m sorry miss, I’m a bit deaf, what did you say?

Location: 2,946
If you touch me I will scream.

Location: 2,979
Because if John didn’t do something he’d go mad.

Location: 2,985
looking for a cheap flatshare?

Location: 3,037
Pint on Friday?

Location: 3,130
Sherlock had been flat-hunting

Location: 3,162
I have a mountain of paperwork thanks to you.

Location: 3,239
He pencil-scrawled words on the back of Tesco receipts

Location: 3,273

Amazon | Sherlock Holmes and John Watson: The Day They Met (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by Fries, Wendy C. | Mystery | Kindleストア





[パイプスモーキング] Loch Ness

COVID-19 に感染したりして体調を崩しパイプスモーキングはお休みしていましたが、元気になってきたので4週間ぶりに再開しました。 先月 Smokingpipes から届いたパイプタバコを紹介しました。


Smokingpipes のパイプタバコが届きました

以前アメリカの Smokingpipes でパイプタバコを注文したことを書きました。 Smokingpipes でパイプタバコを注文しました – Sherlock Holmes Topia https://sh-topia.cf/2018/11/07/odering-pipe-tobacco-on-smokingpipes/ あの後、特に発送完了のメールなどは送られてきていなかったので、
